Carbide Recycling Company – Staff

Month #6

It is hard to believe that we are already approaching the "Sixth Month" of the year, in addition to celebrating our first major Holiday weekend - Memorial Day!  Carbide Recycling Company is in full swing for the summer and is always ready to recycle your tungsten carbide, high speed tool steel, sludge and other various nickel, cobalt and tungsten alloys.


Richard Waldorf - President Sara Bernstein - Vice President Sandy Foss - Purchasing Manager April Deslippe - Purchasing / Analyst Mary Phillips - Warehouse Manager / Specialists John McBride - Certified Operator / Specialists Noel Caraballo - High Speed Steel Expert

What is happening on the supply and demand of Ferrous Metals in North America:

It is said that recyclers from the Atlantic Coasts to the Pacific coasts are feeling the stress from the lack of demand on overseas buyers.  North America supply and demand factors:  Scrap generation is tied to industrial production, demolition activity and scale pricing.  Scrap demand depends on U.S. and overseas steel output, often tied to the auto and construction industries

What We Offer

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